
What are the opening hours of The Last Supper, Milan?

The Last Supper opening hours

Last Supper opening hours

The Last Supper can be viewed at Santa Maria delle Grazie during the following hours:

Tuesday to Sunday: 8:15am to 7pm

Last entry: 6:45pm

Closure: Every Monday and on January 1 and December 25.

Note: To conserve the artwork, viewing times for The Last Supper are limited to 15 minutes.

Santa Maria delle Grazie Mass timings

Weekdays: 7:30am, 8:30 am, 9:30am, 6:30pm

Sundays and holidays: 8am, 9:30am, 10:30am, 11:30am, 6:30pm, 8pm

Best time to view The Last Supper

Last Supper opening hours

Peak season vs low season

  • Peak season for The Last Supper is typically June-August, when the weather is warm and tourist crowds are larger. School breaks and holidays can also see increased visitor numbers.
  • Off-seasons, like late fall and winter, will be quieter and offer potentially shorter wait times. 
  • The ideal time to visit might be spring (April-May). You'll enjoy pleasant weather, moderate crowds, and a better chance of securing tickets.
Last Supper opening hours

Weekday vs weekend

  • Weekdays (Tuesday to Friday) can allow a more intimate viewing experience with shorter wait times, typically around 15 minutes.
  • Weekends are generally busier, with potential wait times reaching 30 minutes or more.
  • Consider arriving early, even on weekdays, for the quietest atmosphere.

How long do you need to visit The Last Supper?

Due to the delicate state of The Last Supper painting visitors are only granted 15 minutes inside the refractory. However, the entire visit, including security checks, receiving information, and entering/exiting the viewing area, typically takes around 30 minutes.

But your journey doesn't need to end there! Feel free to explore the Santa Maria delle Grazie church at your leisure. This beautiful structure offers stunning architecture and additional artworks to admire. Plan to spend around 2 hours to fully appreciate both The Last Supper and the church itself.

Book Last Supper tickets & tours

Da Vinci's Last Supper Skip-the-Line Guided Tour
Free cancellation
Instant confirmation
Mobile ticket
1 hr.
Guided tour
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Milan: City Center and Last Supper Guided Tour
Free cancellation
Instant confirmation
Mobile ticket
2 hr. - 3 hr.
Guided tour
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Milan: Walking Guided Tour with Milan Cathedral & Last Supper
Free cancellation
Instant confirmation
Mobile ticket
3 hr.
Guided tour
More details
Milan in a Day: Guided Tour of Downtown, Last Supper, Milan Cathedral & Duomo Museum Pass
Instant confirmation
Mobile ticket
6 hr.
Guided tour
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Last Supper & Sforza Castle Guided Tour
Free cancellation
Instant confirmation
Mobile ticket
2 hr. - 3 hr.
Guided tour
Transfers included
More details

Frequently asked questions about Last Supper Milan opening hours

Is The Last Supper open every day?

No, The Last Supper is closed on Mondays and all major holidays, such as New Year's Day and Christmas Day.

When is the access to Last Supper closed?

Access to The Last Supper painting is closed every Monday, January 1st, and December 25th.

Should I buy Last Suppper tickets in advance?

Yes, it is recommended you purchase tickets to see The Last Supper in advance to avoid long waiting times and queues.

Do the church hours align with the viewing times for The Last Supper?

The church welcomes visitors Tuesday through Sunday, from 8:15am to 7pm. During these hours, you can also view The Last Supper.

What happens if I miss my booked time slot for The Last Supper?

Unfortunately, there is typically no flexibility with booked time slots for The Last Supper. If you miss your allotted time, you may not be able to reschedule or receive a refund. Plan to arrive on time to avoid disappointment.

What is the best time to visit The Last Supper to avoid crowds?

Weekdays (Tuesday-Friday) generally offer shorter wait times compared to weekends (Saturday-Sunday). Consider arriving early, even on weekdays, for the quietest experience.

Are there any tips for maximizing my 15 minutes viewing time?
  • Familiarize yourself with the painting beforehand.
  • Decide what aspects of the artwork you want to focus on most.
  • Surrender to the moment and simply take in the painting.

Are there any other things to see at Santa Maria delle Grazie?

Absolutely! Santa Maria delle Grazie is a beautiful church with stunning architecture and additional artworks to admire. Plan to spend around 2 hours to fully appreciate both The Last Supper and the church itself.